woman sleeping

A Bedtime Story: The Bruxism and Sleep Apnea Tango

TeamSleep Apnea

Hello, dear sleepers!

Do you hear that grinding sound? It's not the gears of your dreams, but it could be your teeth! Yes, indeed, that tic-tac sound might be a dance called bruxism. Much like the Tango, it happens in the night. But instead of fancy footwork, it's your upper and lower teeth doing the cha-cha.

Now, if you're sharing your bed with a partner, they might've already suggested you're a nocturnal teeth grinding superstar. And while it might not score you points in the bedroom symphony, it's worth paying attention to.

Why? Because bruxism often goes hand-in-hand with a masked marauder called sleep apnea. This villain of the night causes breathing to stop and start during sleep. Sounds scary? It can be. It's like trying to enjoy a peaceful sleep while someone is playing red light, green light with your oxygen supply.

But how do these two dance at the same ball? Well, studies suggest that sleep apnea can lead to bruxism as a protective response. Your body is smart and tries to prevent the airways from collapsing by grinding the teeth. It's like your body's own little superhero, fighting off the villainous apnea.

So, what can we do to make sure you're well-rested and not waging a nocturnal battle? First, we need to identify the problem. If you suspect you're grinding your teeth or your partner says you're making choking or gasping noises in your sleep, it's time to visit us at the sleep clinic.

Don't worry, we're not going to tango with your teeth or make you fight off villains. We're here to help. Together, we'll uncover the secrets of your sleep and find the best way to ensure you're resting peacefully, grinding-free and breathing easy.

Sweet dreams, dear patients! Until next time, dance on (but let's keep the teeth out of it!).